File: 1465933416259.png (303.2 KB, 1366x768, G T IQDB SN)

File: desktop.jpg (2.99 MB, 5760x1080, G T IQDB SN)

>>203Under view, click "Design Mode", and just start right clicking on things until you figure out what does what. :P
Took me a hot minute to figure it out… But really you just insert separators and stick stuff into them until things look pretty. Also make sure to lock your separators so they can't me re-sized later on, unless you want them re-sizable.
File: desktop.png (643.83 KB, 3840x1080, G T IQDB SN)

File: deskt.png (3.6 MB, 2880x864, G T IQDB SN)

File: Screenshot from 2016-07-10….png (699.91 KB, 1920x1080, G T IQDB SN)

lol. i haven't even installed mint. Weirdly, Arch doesn't support my WiFi Card out of the box. So I'm saving myself some headache by trying out some liveCDs
I quite like mint.
File: Clipboard Image (410).png (721.78 KB, 1440x900, G T IQDB SN)

File: Screenshot from 2016-07-11….png (351.38 KB, 1600x900, G T IQDB SN)

here's my laptop's
File: .png (390.57 KB, 1920x1080, G T IQDB SN)

Let's see if this works
File: desktop.jpg (2.92 MB, 5760x1080, G T IQDB SN)

New dekstop~
>>224I wouldn't waste your time trying to make something pretty, this board is based on an outdated tinyboard, and I've just added stuff to it on my own time… It won't be comparable to any other sites, surely. :P
File: .png (194.02 KB, 1857x1080, G T IQDB SN)

Dollchan does seem to work on this board… partly. The reply form is called "Create thread" (instead of "Make reply") and it returns an error message after submitting a post, but the post does show up.
dE seems to think it's not in a thread, but even reply maps are working.
Meant to quote
>>225 in
>>226 No.230
>>229> I don't figure it'd be too hardMost small image boards (that I've seen) don't have them, it's probably not too easy. You can probably try to read Dollchan's source code, it's not obfuscated but there are no comments.
Manually typing >>postnumbers is kinda irritating, I'll tell you that. dE thinks this is a form for creating a new thread so I can't click to quote.****
Does green spoiler work here? No.231
>>230Yeah, I think I'll do that. Would be cool if I could just copy-paste their function, since it clearly works fine judging by your screenshot.
I don't even know how to do that spoiler text like you just did. :x
File: .png (23.5 KB, 906x436, G T IQDB SN)

>>231Good luck with that.
> I don't even know how to do that spoiler text like you just did. :xMost of the time it's
spoiler or [SPOILER]spoiler[/SPOILER]
Some image boards also support green spoilers, I'll try that again[SPOILER]
>>232Neat! Thanks for sharing! By the way, notice the reply mapping? Dollchan certainly handled it well, but it was very very reliant on other parts of the source, making it close to impossible to just copy-paste, so I just formulated an idea in my head and went with it.
Took longer than it should have, though…I think I enabled code tags to an extent… Let's test with this reply mapping thing.
EDIT: Nevermind it looked gross!! I'll have to make my own eventually…
File: .png (69.29 KB, 1757x416, G T IQDB SN)

>>233> notice the reply mapping?Yes, I noticed list of posts that link to this post. And dE also noticed this list and enabled reply mapping for it, pic related.
Some dE developers speak English. Here's its Github page if you feel like using it for whatever reason: more I use Github the more I feel like registering there someday, perhaps now's the time)
> I think I enabled code tags to an extentLemme see.
bold italic __underlined__ ~~stroked~~
>>234Ah, I figured "Reply mapping" was just showing the list of replies. I should look into it eventually, but it sounds like another decently hard challenge!
I disabled the code tags after I saw how ugly they were btw. ?
File: .png (28.9 KB, 406x1054, G T IQDB SN)

>>235If by "Reply mapping" you mean seeing the post's contents upon hovering over a >>postnumber link, I only saw this feature on the most "advanced" boards -, and It's probably not too easy to implement since all smaller boards didn't put the effort. (Besides, I think it might be easier to make this board compatible with dE, it has a lot more features than you can be bothered to implement)
I just noticed that the URL of this thread is /chan/b/201.html and dE interpreted that as page 201 of board called "/chan/" and the automatically generated "go back" button leads to /chan/200.html.
>>237Right, I changed the url scheme up quite a bit.
I actually tested yesterday and you can just embed dE in this board as an external script, and it loads up and tries to do things just like it would as a userscript, but I really don't want to run it alongside my board… I actually prefer how lightweight it is at the moment. Not sure how complicated post previews like that would be, but I might look into it. It'd probably involve copying a post node and pasting it in a modal, nothing too complicated.
File: .webm (4.8 MB)

Which one looks better, one-line or two-line, full-width tabs or shrunk to favicon?